“Never Bend Your Head. Always Hold It High. Look The World Straight In The Eye.”

— Helen Keller

About This Department

Global Doctors is dedicated to understanding the causes of vision disorders, to prevent them, and to treating them should they occur. We provide the best medical and surgical eye care available, with compassion and sensitivity to our patients’ needs.

Our ophthalmology services encompass many different subspecialties that include glaucoma, cataract or vision-related eye problem, anterior ocular and posterior ocular diseases, diabetic eye diseases and macula degeneration.



Glaucoma Test    
Cataract Screening    
Anterior and Posterior Ocular Diseases Treatment    
Diabetic Retinopathy    
Macula Degeneration    


Vision screening    
Optometry Services    
Ophthalmic photography    

Useful info and health tips

Most of us are well aware of the five senses bestowed to us through which we interact with our environment, i.e. vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, right? But how many of you have ever really wondered which of these is considered as the most valuable.

Healthy Diet Healthy Eyesight

Yes, it starts as simple as that; you are what you eat and so is your eyesight. Foods rich in nutrients like vitamin C and E, zinc, lutein and omega-3 fatty acids strengthen your eyes against age-related eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Shades are Helpful

If you considered sunglasses a mere fashion accessory, think again. A right pair of shades can help you stay away from cataracts, macular degeneration and pinguecula by blocking out sun’s harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays. A good pair of UV protection sunglasses can block 99 – 100% of harmful UV rays. In case you are wondering, UV protection contact lenses are also available.

Incorporate Blinking Breaks

Don’t only blame computers and phone screens for eyestrain. Books and written documents can also cause eyestrain when looked upon for extended periods. So, make sure to get your head up, look away from the docs and just blink your eyes for a few seconds to relieve the strain.

Head Clinician

Datin Dr. Thayanithi A/P Sandragasu

  Consultant Eye Surgeon,  MBBS, MS (Ophthal) UKM, Glaucoma Fellowship (Sydney)

03-2303 9911


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